Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i welcome you all...

A new blog...
did not really feel like prosing while i was poesying... (oceanicmirages.blogspot.com)(read it if you want to read poetry)
may be...
who cares anyways...
i do.
well this is goin to b the first time i would be sharing wat i feel, unmasked,devoid of any layers,no hidden inuendos... or may be...
today all i would share is my amazement and awe for our electricity departments. as most of you know it rained in delhi and ncr yesterday for around forty odd mins and lo behold! there was a SIXTEEN hour LONG POWER CUT. i have always womdered why is it that whenever it rains theres no electricity and whenever it doesnt rain, then also yes, you got it, theres no elctricity. Cool...
well i would continue writing such amateur observations...
hope you read, comment. complement. criticise blah, blah, blah...
cya then.

1 comment:

delhidreams said...

great beginning dear amateur observer. i have a hidden suspicion that these observations will become a lot more un-amateur as the days pass by :)